Tuesday, May 31, 2011

workin for the weekend

i don't want to be at work. i want to be home, in my bed, just like i was all weekend. it was awesome. i really think it'd be better if i just stayed at home all day, every day. i could get so much more done. i could make some really cute things (like the 2 really cute aprons i made this weekend). i could do some cooking and baking. i could get some great runs in. i could sleep. i could read and read and read. i could snuggle with the puppies. it'd be awesome.

but no, i'm at work now. and i'm not having any fun. i even have music and am about to start "catching fire," the second book in "the hunger games" series. and i'm still not having fun. i wish it was still the weekend. luckily i only have to wait 4 more days instead of 5 this week.

i am proud of myself for at least doing something this weekend rather than laying around doing nothing like i normally do. i kicked off the holiday weekend with a trip to gainesville for their summer sounds series. the square shuts down for the night for a concert with beer and food. weird for gainesville, which was dry until just a few years ago. anyway, the show was great and i got to collect my "holler time" shirt that was my reward for some hats i made the boys over the winter. i love my shirt. it's the perfect weight and softness. love it.

saturday began with a 5 mile run in which i nearly died. i kept looking around to see who would help me if i passed out. when i seriously thought about quitting, i was already to 4.1 and at that point there was no justification in quitting. so i pushed through. it's just so hot and humid around here. it's gonna be a really long 4 months before the misery ends.

i got home and cleaned up and headed back to gainesville with kaitlin and tony (from the great zoo run). we enjoyed some fried pies and ran by paige's shop. then hit the casino for some more fun times. unfortunately i wasn't a big winner like i was on mother's day and lost my 7 bucks. fortunately i wasn't as big of a loser as tony, who lost about 50.

sunday was another busy day. we went to a different church to see alex's cousin for senior sunday. then i stuck around with the in-laws for the banquet thing afterward. i was surprised that i enjoyed hearing about people's kids that i've never met. after a quick trip to barnes and noble (they bought me "water for elephants." i've heard nothing but great things) and the yogurt place, i came home and whipped up a really precious apron. i'm pretty thrilled with it. then we went for a walk with the puppies and that was delightful. and then still managed to watch "flight of the navigator." alex has been wanting me to watch it for years. if pee wee herman wasn't in it, it'd be one of the most worthless movies ever. thank god for pee wee herman.

monday i made some delicious pancakes. blueberry coconut pancakes with bananas instead of eggs. a little tangy, but good. i knocked out another apron that's also really precious. that makes 3 in a row that haven't been a complete disaster. i took a nap for an hour or so and woke up for a run at johnson branch. i haven't been there since before the half. it went pretty well considering how lame my runs have been lately. i stopped after 5- partly from the heat and exhaustion, and partly from the wildlife coming out. i did get to run really close to a deer, which was pretty cool. then a rabbit charged me and nearly gave me a heart attack. it came about a foot from my foot. terrifying. sadly i had to wait another 45 minutes before the guys were done mountain biking. at least i got some good alone time.

so overall, pretty good weekend. busy, but at least productive. and now i'm just waiting for next weekend to do nothing again. at least i have some good books to look foward to in the meantime.

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