Friday, July 15, 2011

follow through

just wanted to say that i did what i'd say and actually ran last night. yes, it was painfully slow. surprisingly very little actual pain, though. i knew not to go too hard (not that i ever really do) since i'd barely run the last few weeks. but i did it.

and i lost two pounds.

score for me.

so far today i've been good. we're going to some friends' house tonight for them to work on their bikes while i eat and drink. so probably not the best plan ever. but that's okay. cause today's my rest day before my "long run" tomorrow.

i think i'm gonna win this half.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

beating the heat

last week was a mess. at least the last couple days of it were. we had kids moving in and out at work and sadly, not giving me a better love of football players. they're just so loud. and why can't they do anything by themselves? anyway, friday especially was long and stressful. i tried to not complain about it too much because it's probably the 3rd or 4th stressful day since i started this job almost a year ago. whatever the case, i was exhausted and decided i deserved mexican food. i somehow managed to talk alex into this idea and rolled ourselves home. i was stuck working a few hours saturday morning to keep things under control for a few more move ins/outs. i came home excited that i'd at least done something before 11 this weekend.

i was about to ask alex if he wanted to go daydream about fridges when he asked me the same thing. i was pumped. we knew we'd probably be ready for a fridge in the next few months, and just wanted to take a look around and get an idea of what we wanted. i checked the websites of a few stores around town to see where we'd look first and saw that best buy was having a pretty good sale leftover from the 4th. we used some of the prices we saw to compare.

there was one fridge at best buy that seemed like it'd be the closest to what we want, but it was still a little more expensive than what we'd seen online. then we went to lowes and got some more information from the guys there, but were still facing a higher pricepoint overall. everywhere else in town was even higher. we went home to do some more research and ended up deciding on a fridge that we didn't even look at. it was the cheapest we'd seen and on sale almost half off. so i was able to get one that was bigger, more value, and still cheaper than we'd looked at.

we ordered it.

and then alex ordered a new laptop.

we think we grew a money tree in the backyard.

so alex was going to order the laptop anyway for his birthday next month. and this one was better and cheaper than the ones he'd been looking at. and he got a $100 giftcard out of it as well. so that's awesome. and for such a great deal on the fridge, it was really really hard to pass up. plus we got a great financing deal on it, so we can space out payments a little easier. we should still have both paid off in a few months, so we don't feel guilty. actually, this is the first big purchase we've made that we haven't felt instant regret. and we hadn't even seen the fridge.

anyway, yesterday the fridge came in. mom and dad came down to help us get it moved in, which was a huge help. mom spent about 10 minutes making sure every dot of styrofoam in the floor. so they drove down to see us, moved two fridges, cleaned up, sat around waiting forever, and then bought us more mexican food. my parents are pretty amazing.

in the time we sat there waiting for alex to get there with the fridge, dad asked me about running. i said i was debating about running a half in their town in october. dad said that was crazy and probably not to do it. i said i was still thinking about it and hadn't made a decision. dad said he wasn't going. i knew he didn't want to anyway, so that was fine. then he started talking about how good the first half was. then he started talking about how he'd only run a few miles less than that on his birthday in september. and how it wasn't too bad. and maybe we'd do it. by the time we got the fridge in, everytime we'd stop for something he'd talk more about what the plan was. at dinner he'd decided we were going and it was going to be great. yes, dad gets his mind on something and sticks with it for a several days.

so i guess i'm going into training mode. the good thing is that i didn't run for an entire month before my half in march, so that gives me some hope. my goal is to get in a good run saturday, probably just 3-5, but much more than i've done lately. with 106 degree days at 50% humidity, it'd just painful to get out there. so hopefully i can keep things minimal during the week and make my saturdays productive. time will tell.

new fridge and new training plan. and hopefully 10 pounds of weight off me. time will tell. i can't wait go to home and get started.