Wednesday, April 13, 2011

my babies are multiplying

i went out to water the garden last night and check up on my baby bell pepper. to my delight it was still doing well, getting bigger every day. last year when i had a bell pepper plant in my topsy turvy it only produced one pepper. not bad, but disappointing. i was a little antsy about how much fruit would produce this time around. so i did a little investigating and am pretty sure that i have a few more buds about to sprout on both green bell pepper plants. the red bell is a little late to bloom. i'm still holding out hope. i was also pleased to see not one but THREE jalapenos. they're already almost an inch long. if i could just see some improvement in my tomatoes and squash i'd feel a little more accomplished. i'm three jalapenos closer to some salsa, though, so that's exciting.

trivia night last night with the math department. all i know is that it's a really good thing i was there. last week my only real contribution was knowing that biscotti meant "twice baked." thanks, giada. this week, however, i pulled out all sorts of amazing knowledge about little ricky schroeder, vidal sassoon (which they didn't even use), simon fuller, and the release order of several sequels. don't even try to argue with me about when speed 2: cruise control was released (thanks chad and brian for forcing me to see that with you at student council camp. that knowledge really helped me out last night).

tonight is card night at our house. not tomorrow like i asked it to be. so now i'll be working while everyone else has fun and then sitting by myself tomorrow when i was hoping to have fun. there'd better be some dip left when i get home, that's all i know. i just realized how delicious that same dip will be in a few weeks when it's made with my baby jalapenos.

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