Friday, February 25, 2011

berry burst

after a successful weight loss day on wednesday, the weight has tried to creep back up the last two days. i fit in a quick elliptical (or ovalizer, as seinfeld says) run wednesday night. i knew that my body probably needed a bit of a break after the long run, but i didn't want to take the day off completely. my foot began to feel like it was breaking in two towards the end, so i was glad that i kept it simple. i was also glad i at least did something after waking up to a pound gain.

yesterday i felt like things were off to a decent start. then i managed to hit 12 of the 17 lights on the way to work. who designed this town to allow a light to turn green and the next light to turn red seconds after? i shouldn't hit 3 lights in 3 blocks. frustrating would be an understatement. at this point i was late, so i had to park in the lot, not the street, which seemed like forever away. then i spilled coffee all over me. actually, it wasn't really over me, it was down my arm on the inside of my shirt (so no stains, but wet arm) and all over my bag (why i don't carry a real purse to work). but i got there on time and managed to let it go- definitely proving that my life is changing for the better.

then i remembered that we had a department meeting at work, which meant pastries. coffee cake and blueberry muffins, to be exact. completely worth it. and i felt like i had at least a little self control- i really really really wanted about 5 more muffins, plus a few of the other muffins as well. i had one muffin, one piece of coffee cake. could have been better, but easily could have done worse.

after a weird day at work filled with a roller coaster of drama, i left. the walk to the car felt like a workout in itself. the wind was blowing directly against me at about 30 miles an hour. my hamstrings were exhausted by the time i made it up the hill to my car. i got home and got changed into my "casual" clothes- meaning i put on even more comfortable tennis shoes than i wear to work and a rattier t-shirt than i wear to work.

alex and i headed to bass pro shops to find a collapsible fishing rod for his camping trip this weekend. after turning around several times (alex thought that because you see a place, you can make any turn to get there), we arrived at our destination. i couldn't be happier to be in a store filled with items i will never use and dead animals that never should have been killed in the first place (to keep a long rant short, i understand defending yourself or family if something is attacking you, but i don't see the point in setting up shop, feeding an animal to get it to come to you at a regular time, murdering it, stuffing it, and hanging it up like a prize. it's just heartless. end of rant.).

so we made it out of bass pro and back on the highway without a hitch this time. we went to bj's brewery for dinner. it's alex's new favorite place. he decided this after the last trip there, his first trip. he thinks a meatloaf sandwich is the best idea. i was just happy to enjoy my berry burst cider. pure heaven. after a delicious dinner of fish tacos, berry crumble, and berry cider, we headed home. i made it through one tv show before turning in. alex had to get his stuff together for camping and i didn't want to keep him, at least that's what i told myself.

i had another restful night's sleep, despite dreaming that i had to fill in at my old store. i walked into a nightmare situation. who opens all of the coin rolls up and lines up the coins? that's just way too many to count. i was annoyed when i woke up. then i remembered that i don't have to mess with that anymore and can just show up to work now. man, i love my job.

the only downfall to a delicious dinner- the pound weight gain happened again. i'm still below where i started the week, but not close to where i need to be. but the weekend is here. bring on the long runs and abnormally long hours of sleep. alex is camping tonight and off to meet gravedigger at the monster truck rally tomorrow, so i'll have the whole weekend to myself. looks like a lot of puppy snuggling and running. at least i hope that's the plan.

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