Wednesday, February 23, 2011

when the planets align

after eating a mere 1000 calories on monday, i woke up to the same weight i had the previous day yesterday. not cool. frustrated, but not beaten, i was careful to watch my calories throughout the day. normally i would work to sabotage my health through a binge diet of chips and anything cheesy. it's my favorite. and a lot of cake. just pure heaven.

so instead, i chose to eat sensibly: blueberry banana peach smoothie for breakfast, baked spaghetti for lunch (kroger changed their whole grain spaghetti- could not be more delicious), a quesadilla as a snack when i got home (don't judge me, i was starving and needed my cheese fix), and more baked spaghetti and strawberries for dessert. very filling, actually had some fruits and veggies in there, felt good about things. still low on the calorie side too- a little less than 1100 calories.

after a less-than-riveting day at work, i got home and mentally prepared for a run. i walked the tricky line of getting dressed without getting the puppies too excited. i didn't know how far i was planning on going and hate to see them get worked up thinking they get to go with me. i tried to play it cool and keep things calm. somehow it worked. i think it was the quesadilla giving me it's magical powers.

i took off, hoping to go at least 3, maybe 5. the sky was overly cloudy and i just knew that if i took off towards the park i'd get stuck in the rain. i decided to do some weird little loops around the baseball park in the neighborhood and just run until i felt done or the downpour started. the weather was absolutely perfect for a run. the sky was bright, but the sun wasn't out. it was about 65 degrees with a slight breeze, so i stayed cool but not cold. it was amazing. my legs felt much better than they did on sunday. my ankle hurt occasionally, but i wasn't having to hobble around.

around 3 1/2 or 4 miles in, i started towards home. i realized as i got closer that i'd end up around 5 1/2 by the time i hit my house. while my pace wasn't the best i've ever run, i didn't feel like i was going to die at any point. i just kept my pace as even as possible and didn't wear myself out by going out too quick. since i still felt okay, i made a turn and shot for 6 miles. as i got closer to 6, i figured i might as well make another loop. i quit at 8. i felt amazing.

i remember why i loved running. i hadn't felt that way in a while. i'm not sure if it was the weather (though that helped) or the quesadilla (just trying to justify having one every day) or the pearl jam on my ipod or if my body was just ready to go. i just loved finishing 8 miles and feeling like i could have run a few more miles. i liked quitting before i shut down. i knew if i had kept going i would have shut down or fallen down since it was getting pretty dark and the lights aren't quite as good as they should be.

i walked the 1/2 mile home to cool down and keep my legs from getting stiff. when i reached down to steal gandalf's bone away from uzi i nearly fell over. apparently burning off 987 calories can make you a little dizzy. i got cleaned up, took some aleve, and inhaled my baked spaghetti while i watched biggest loser. seems like i'm either stuffing my face with something awful or running my heart out when i watch it. i'm glad it was the latter this time.

leading the young, happening life that i do, i went to bed around 9:30. it never felt so good. i was out and dreaming and feeling strong. the best part was waking up to a 3.5 pound weight loss. i'm anticipating a gain today to even things out, but we'll see how everything goes when the time comes.

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