Friday, June 10, 2011

hit pound and then hang up?

just felt like i was michael bluth explaining to gob on how to use the phone.

a student just came up who apparently is new to the whole microwave thing. they're tricky, ya know. she wanted 3:30, but it would only go 3. i explained that she just needed to push the "add 30 seconds" buttons. this threw her for a loop.

"but i need it to be 3:30."

"yep, just push the 'add 30 seconds' button."

"so i push 'add 30 seconds' and then the 3?"

"nope, just push the 3, and then 'add 30 seconds.'"

"and that'll cook it for how long?"


"ok, we'll see if this works."

the same student was concerned about living on the second floor because of the number of stairs in our hall versus another hall. she wanted to know how many stairs we had. we were clueless. she counted them. took about 5 minutes (just one floor, not the whole building). she came down panting and was really disappointed that there were so many more stairs here.

she also wanted us to remodel her private bathroom because it "isn't going to work."

weird that she doesn't know how to use a microwave.

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