Thursday, June 9, 2011

sunshine, lollipops and rainbows

after a falling out with gwyneth paltrow (mostly upset that she stole chris martin from me), i've fallen back in love with her in the last few years. the sense of humor that i thought she lacked was merely disguised and our love affair has begun again. i think she's fantastic. she's down to earth and just a delight. and the hair, my goodness the hair.

i bought her new cookbook a few weeks ago, my father's daughter. and while i haven't actually cooked from it yet, am really excited about the recipes. and i love that she loves cooking and loves food like she does despite weighing about 75 pounds.

i also got hooked on her blog, goop.

when i first read the site, it seemed a little pretentious. where to eat when you travel beautiful places. what clothes to wear when you have an unlimited budget. but that's the life she lives and that's what blogs are about. plus she lives some mass-appeal choices for those that don't have houses in two continents. and she's had some really great posts.

the most recent addresses something that's near and dear to my heart. homosexuality. it's one of those hot button issues that sways my vote each time. i just don't understand how anyone can put on a ballot that they support discrimination of any kind. it just blows my mind. but i live in texas, so i shouldn't be that surprised.

anyway, in a nutshell, i feel that no matter if you think it's right or wrong morally, gay marriage is a civil rights issue and that as a country, we should have equal rights for all. and as christians, we should show love to everyone, just as christ did (and the pharisees did not).

i loved the passages she shared from a variety of spiritual guides regarding homosexuality in the bible. and while they obviously are just a few people giving their view, i was thrilled with their points. rather than try to summarize everything, it can be read here.

so way to go, gwynnie. allow me to personally invite you to my future son's gay wedding (and birthday parties and tuesdays). his name is sparkles glitter rainbow. and yes, i named him that to ensure he's gay and not some annoying straight boy. and yes, i while i think that gays are born that way, i'm convinced i can turn someone gay, just not the other way around. see you tuesday, gwyneth.

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